Learn 7 Digital Marketing Skills

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Digital marketing is at the forefront of modern business strategies, enabling companies to connect with their target audiences in unprecedented ways. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting your journey, mastering the fundamental skills of digital marketing is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 6 essential skills that are the building blocks of a successful digital marketing career.

Why is digital marketing skills so important now?

Digital marketing skills play a crucial role in maintaining a business’s online presence and creating effective online marketing strategies to promote their brand, products, or services. These skills allow businesses to reach their target audience through web browsers, social networks, and email newsletters. Additionally, digital marketing skills enable professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies and identify successful campaigns.

Check out 7 essential digital marketing skills

Learn CMS to manage websites effectively

A Content Management System (CMS) is software that enables users to create, manage, and modify content on a website without requiring technical expertise. In other words, a CMS allows you to build a website without writing code from scratch or having coding knowledge at all.

A typical example of a CMS is WordPress or HubSpot (CMS Hub). WordPress is widely used software worldwide.

Learn CMS (WordPress or Hubspot)

In the modern era of technological development, a website is crucial and almost indispensable for any individual, business, or organization. A website contains a wealth of content depending on the industry or field the company is involved in. It is a place where most transactions between customers and businesses can occur.

Website Optimal Marketing Agency

Skill 1: Learn CMS to manage the website effectively

Skill 2: Related to CMS, Importance of practical skills and experience in building websites (adding features to the website to serve customers better). If you’re just starting out and don’t know much about CMS, you can use the basics.

Web User Behavior

Monitoring user behavior on website is essential for effective marketing campaigns and content creation.

This is an indispensable skill in Digital Marketing. If you have a website, you will naturally need to track user behavior on that website to gather as much data as possible. Based on this data, you can create marketing campaigns (content that serves customers best).

A common platform for achieving this is Google Analytics. Google Analytics provides common data points such as visits and traffic source. Google Tag Manager allows for tracking of unique data points specific to each websites.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM is where customer data is stored, serving as the foundation for marketing automation.

For example: You have a customer, and you record whether your salesperson has reached out to the customer, how they reached out, whether they made a phone call, scheduled an appointment, sent emails, or had meetings. You also document the content of these interactions and how they interacted with other customers. Everything similar to this is recorded in the CRM data system.

Then, you can categorize the data as follows:

  • Lead: A list of people with potential value who may buy your product but may not know much about you, or they haven’t shown a desire to learn about your product yet.
  • Opportunity: Considering purchasing the product, these customers have shown interest in the product and want to buy it.
  • Customer: Individuals who have agreed to finalize a purchase, becoming actual buyers of the product. Within this customer file, you can further divide it into smaller files (ex-customers, new customers).

Marketing isn’t just about marketing to potential customers but also to current customers and past customers.

Learn and practice SEO to increase website visits

Google constantly updates its algorithms. Therefore, keeping up with the latest and best SEO trends and methods is crucial. How can your website’s content appear at the top of the search results page and, as a result, attract more views from potential customers?

This includes knowing how to conduct keyword research, interpreting search intent, and improving your website’s ranking on search engines through on-page optimization and link building. The strategy involves selecting keyword groups that are easy to rank for with low competition.

Use free tools like Google Ads, Google Trends, Keyword tool,… to determine keywords and search volume. Create content in various media formats to attract potential customers. Optimize content according to SEO standards to rank higher in search results.

Once you have identified keywords, how can you achieve high rankings for these keywords and creatively generate content on topics related to these keywords that potential customers are interested in.

Using UTM Tech and Google Data Studio

Using UTM tech and Google Data Studio for effective reporting and measuring. UTM Tech is useful for tracking user behavior data can be applied in various campaigns. Google Data Studio is widely used tool for reporting and measuring monkeying. It can be connected to various advertising platform to get data into a common dashboard.

By using data from various platform, a panoramic view of the funnel can be obtained to calculate conversion rate and increase revenue for the company.

Understanding and analyzing collected data is a basic skill for effective reporting and measuring; more training is required for monkeying skill development.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Management is important with many platform like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Tools like Buffer are helpful for multi-channel management. Meta studio now allows creation of Stories.

Your potential customers are all present on social media platforms. Social media marketing provides you with the opportunity to build a following for your brand, reach a large audience, and target potential customers.

Understanding running ads on different platform

Different advertising platform are available for reaching more users. Various advertising platform exist such as Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, Reddit,… Creating an account on these platforms is easy and allows for experimentation with ad campaigns.

Social Media Ads

Understanding the basics of running ads on different platforms is crucial.

  • Different platforms collect different data points for ad targeting
  • The cost of running ads varies based on different platforms and metrics
  • Familiarizing with policies of running ads and advertising content policies is necessary to avoid rejection or ban
  • Learning the basics of creating and running ad campaigns on any platform is recommended
  • Measuring and building reports is a crucial skill for effective ad campaign management

In conclusion

Digital Marketing is dynamic, so continuous learning and adaptation are essential for success.

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