Livestream Facebook: Facebook Shop attach products to livestream like Tiktok Shop

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Livestream Facebook is allowed to attach shopping cart links, and discount codes on the Fanpage store and multiple platforms: Shopee, TikTok Shop, and any Affiliate link without fees… Just need traffic to earn money. Let’s explore this together with Optimal Agency.

Resources for Advertising Products via Facebook Livestream Linking

To return to Facebook without losing the platform fee like TikTok, sellers need to prepare the following:

  • Facebook Livestream is not as popular as TikTok, so it will have fewer natural views.
  • To advertise Livestream Facebook, sellers need to have a verified Fanpage or a Fanpage that has enabled Live ads.
  • Having Facebook’s Live Shopping feature.
  • Running a Live Facebook ad is not as simple as running a TikTok live ad.
  • The content moderation of Live Facebook is not as good as TikTok, which can lead to more “junk” content. However, this is an opportunity for products that are difficult to live stream.

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Benefits of attaching products link on Livestream Facebook for sellers

The feature of attaching product links on Livestream Facebook has many benefits for online sellers. Here are some of the main advantages:

  • Increase engagement: You can increase engagement with your viewers by attaching a product link on Livestream. You can introduce the product, answer questions, receive feedback, or persuade viewers to buy directly and effectively.
  • Increase conversion rate: You can increase the conversion rate from viewers to customers by attaching a product link on Livestream. You can reduce transaction steps, minimize loss or skip of viewers when they have to switch to other websites to buy.
  • Increase revenue: You can increase revenue by attaching a product link on Livestream. You can leverage the interest, curiosity, or enthusiasm of viewers to stimulate them to buy immediately.
  • Cost-effective: Livestreams are a cost-effective way for online sellers to showcase their products. By attaching product links on Livestream, sellers can promote their products without having to invest in expensive advertising campaigns.
  • Improved customer experience: By attaching product links on Livestream, online sellers can provide a seamless shopping experience for their customers. Customers can easily purchase the product they are interested in without having to navigate through multiple pages on the seller’s website.

How to create a Facebook Livestream and attach products to it

Step 1: Setup a Facebook Page Shop

  1. Go to the ‘Shop’ tab on your Business Page, click agree to Facebook’s Merchant Terms and Policies.
  2. Fill in tax/payment details, or select a checkout option.
  3. Add products, you’ll need to have product images, a product price, a product description, and name, as well as a link to where the customer can check out (normally the product listing on your own website).
  4. Organize products into collections. It will make it easier for your customers to figure out different product lines. Click Add Collection, name it, and add relevant products.
  5. When you set up a shop, you can choose if you want people to complete their purchase on your own website, on Facebook or Instagram, or via direct message.

Step2:Facebook Live shopping

Once you got your Facebook page shop, let’s move on to create Facebook live shopping!

  1. Create a playlist. Go to your Commerce Manager on your pc, and click on your shop logo.
  2. Add products to your product playlist by checking the box, or drag it.
  3. Name your playlist.
  4. Choose if you want to go live now or at a later time. If you select Facebook Site, you’ll post your live shopping to Or If you select Facebook App, you’ll receive a notification on your mobile device.

Finally, your live shopping video is complete! I hope this video gives you some insight into how to use Facebook to create shoppable livestream.


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