Recently, many people in the community have been facing difficulties as their fanpages are continuously restricted from advertising. Below, I will share some reasons and solutions to help you navigate through these challenges smoothly.

Page is restricted from advertising due to policy-violating content
Running clean but still facing ad restrictions, the first thing you should do is to check your content.
But how do you know which part of your content is in violation? Which sentence in the text? Which section in the video?
First, go to the Ad Manager or Business Manager to see what policy you’re violating. On the ad page, you’ll notice a notification or prompt regarding the policy violation. Typically, Facebook provides specific notifications about the violation and may indicate the specific location within the ad that’s in violation. You can review the content of the ad, including text, images, and videos, to identify elements that may be in violation of policies. Based on the error notification, you can edit the ad to comply with policies. Usually, Facebook provides specific guidance on how to fix the error. After you’ve made the necessary edits and corrections to the ad, you can resubmit it for review by Facebook. Wait for feedback from them to determine whether the ad has been approved or not.
For example, personal attributes and personal health are common areas for violations:
- Personal Health Violation: Content should not negatively focus viewers’ attention on appearance or specific body areas. This type of violation is often seen in beauty product ads, where images zoom in on imperfect skin areas or wrinkles in a negative way.
- Personal Attributes Violation: Avoid using content related to an individual’s personal problems or issues in a negative manner, such as health issues or difficulties.
- This type of violation is often related to content that uses phrases like “You’re suffering from” or “You’re facing problems”, which can lead to ad restrictions on Facebook.

When you know where you’ve violated, you can check and amend the content, including text, video, and landing pages. Then, either remove or rephrase the violating content to align with policies
It’s not just beauty or cosmetic products that can violate policies; household products can also be affected. For example:
➖ Selling knives (Avoid using keywords related to “knives” in the text to prevent policy violations related to weapons. You can use alternative keywords or phrases like “kitchen tools” or “professional kitchen utensils”).
Instead of: “Selling professional kitchen knives“. You can use: “Selling professional kitchen tools”
➖ Selling cameras (In the text, avoid words like “spy”, “hidden” , “convert”, etc.).
Instead of: “Covert cameras for home use“. You can use: “Effective home security cameras”
➖ Selling face masks (In the text, avoid using terms like “face mask”, “pandemic”, “COVID-19”, etc.).
Instead of: “High-quality COVID-19 face masks“. You can use: “Quality products for your health“.
There are many other cases, and sometimes you may only learn how to overcome them when you encounter them. Reading and understanding Facebook’s advertising policies before creating products or ad content is essential to avoid violations and future issues. Facebook’s policies may change over time, and they have many specific regulations, so mastering them helps you maintain stable and effective advertising on this platform. When creating product ads or writing content, if something feels familiar in terms of violations, take the time to review it.
Page is restricted from advertising due to irregular activities
Essentially, to prevent irregular activities and ensure stability for your Via (Facebook accounts), Page, Business Manager (BM), and advertising accounts, they should operate consistently on one device and one network IP without frequent changes. Changing devices or IPs can be seen as irregular activities. This is why some of you may face advertising restrictions even before running campaigns.
➖ For Via (Facebook accounts): Use aged Via (accounts with a history of activity) or newly acquired Via, but warm them up for about 2-3 days before launching campaigns. During this waiting period, you can use the Via for interactions, comments, and video views to make it appear more like a real, non-spam account.
➖ For Fanpage: Choose to purchase either new or aged Fanpages because they have a history of activity and interactions. Newly purchased Fanpages should be warmed up for 2-3 days before launching campaigns.
➖ How to set up a new campaign:
- Setting up a warm-up campaign: This can help your advertising account “adjust” and appear more natural to Facebook’s system before increasing the budget for your actual campaign.
- 1 Campaign – 1 Ad Set – 1 Ad: Organizing your campaign into one campaign, one ad set, and one ad initially is a good approach to monitor performance and make your campaign easier to manage. After your warm-up campaign runs smoothly, you can create additional ad sets and ads to expand your campaign.
- No targeting and using a new ad: Start by not selecting a target audience (no targeting) and use a new ad to build a positive ad history before creating specific campaigns with specific targets.
- Budget management: Ensure that the budget you set for the warm-up campaign does not exceed Facebook’s warning limit. This helps you avoid ad restrictions and ensures that your advertising account operates normally.
➖ For Business Manager (BM): Choose either a new or aged BM and let it sit for 2-3 days when it’s newly acquired.
Page is restricted from advertising due to improper resource storage
Using Via with forgotten payments, Via that have been restricted from ads, or Vias that hold advertising accounts restricted from ads to manage Pages can all lead to association and result in Page advertising restrictions.
- Create separate Business Managers (BM) for Pages and advertising accounts to keep them distinct. This helps you manage them independently without them being closely connected.
- Share the BM with Vias carefully: When you share your BM with Vias for running ads, ensure that you only share necessary access rights and comply with Facebook’s advertising policies. Be cautious and consider sharing with each Via individually to avoid association. If a Page or advertising account gets restricted, you can remove it from the BM to prevent cross-association.
- Each BM should have 2-3 backup Vias in case the BM is restricted or if one Via gets restricted from advertising. This helps maintain your advertising operations even in case of incidents.
Page Restricted at the Present Time
You can increase your chances of success when appealing advertising restrictions or Fanpage restrictions on Facebook.
- Remove restricted Vias from the Page: By eliminating Vias that are restricted from advertising from your Fanpage, you avoid the association scenario and have a chance to appeal without being affected by Vias with a history of violations.
- Delete old ads on the restricted Fanpage: If your Fanpage has old ads that caused the restriction, remove them to clean up the page. This helps make the Fanpage clean and removes any violation factors.
- Chia sẻ Facebook thông qua danh tính đã được xác minh Via: Via có danh tính được xác minh là quản trị viên thường được coi là đáng tin cậy hơn và ít có khả năng bị hạn chế quảng cáo hơn. Việc chia sẻ FanPage qua Via này có thể giúp bảo vệ FanPage và tránh bị khiếu nại về sau.
- Use the appeal page and appeal link: If your Fanpage is suspended, use the appeal page and appeal link to request a review of the restriction and resolve the issue. Facebook will review your situation and may assist you in restoring the Fanpage if no serious violations are found.