Facebook Ads Account Rental Service

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Recently there have been a lot of Facebook advertising accounts blocked or flagged. Your ad account is locked, but you can’t complain to the Facebook team, resulting in poor and ineffective business results. It’s time to look for a new solution to ensure the stability of your business ad account and the agency’s Facebook ads account rental service is one of the best solutions for you!
Let’s take a look at some useful and detailed service insights:
Limit individual ad accounts:
• Your FB advertising account is locked: this situation often happens recently and you have to spend a lot of time and effort to complain back to the FB team and get your ad account back.
• Ad Account Spending Limit: If your business needs to reach a huge audience and spend a large budget, you’ll have big problems with an individual ad account when you can’t spend within budget limits
• The ad review time is too time consuming
• Always pay a high price
• Other problems: along with the above problems, you need to solve many problems so far
Note: To avoid all the things you might encounter while using your personal ad account, it’s better to use the Facebook Business ad manager from a trusted agency and you can rent ad accounts from them.
Why should you rent a Facebook ad account?
– Common advertising errors:
• Businesses with unstable advertising accounts.
• Restrictions on ad account spending that result in your business being inefficient in terms of results
• The rented Facebook ad account will be suitable for running private games, traffic, sunfrog, teespring, ecommerce,… . .
• The process for your business to receive approval from the Facebook system is too time consuming
– Benefits of renting a Facebook ad account:
• Your ad account is more stable, quality and reliable making your ad ads run smoothly and without ad account error problems
• Cost-effectiveness of ad campaigns in a rented ad account that will outperform your regular personal ad account and reach your target audience better
• Your campaigns can be scaled up easily with huge daily budgets because our ad accounts are secured and taken care of by Facebook account managers
• Your ad may be reviewed earlier than Facebook’s standard review (24 hours after placing your ad) – it may take as little as 1-2 hours to activate your campaign
• In the event that your rental ad account is blocked due to some issue, we always have spare new leased ad accounts for you to deal with
• With our advertising account rental service, you can spend up to 2300$ per day
– Partner selection
Currently, there are many units impersonating official agents to sign contracts with your business. After that, the business begins to manage the advertising campaign for the business and report the results to the customer with virtual interactions, which means that those interactions have no value.
Businesses will still have to pay for those virtual interactions, but there is no way to withdraw because they have already signed a contract. Because of this, it is extremely important to find out and choose a reputable unit to hire a Facebook ad account.
– Contact consultant
  Coming to Super Speed Ads, businesses will first need to state their needs, the staff will advise and offer account rental service packages for businesses to choose. Businesses will be able to choose the appropriate service packages, this is the decision of the business.
– Contracting
  After going through the research and consulting process, the next step will be to sign the contract. The contract is signed, we will be the account management unit for the business. Any requirements about the advertising campaign how, how the plan or who is the specific audience group to reach. . .
All of those options will be final, but don’t misunderstand that we will have no support. We will support the best, and how to choose will be decided by the business.
– Deployment of monitoring
  The advertising campaign is implemented, our unit will be the manager, the business will not need to spend a lot of time for this process, reports will be sent continuously and if there are any changes. , the unit will immediately make instantaneous adjustments.
– Complete renovation
  At the end of the ad account lease term and the end of the Facebook marketing campaign, a final master report will be sent. Businesses can rely on that to determine the success of the campaign. In case the business wants to continue to extend the rental period of the advertising account, the contract will continue to be signed

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