You may have heard about “black hat” advertising campaigns on Google Ads, a professional advertising method aimed at maximizing profits by leveraging performance optimization techniques. However, to succeed with black hat advertising, you need to adhere to the rules and build your campaigns carefully.
In this article, we will share with you some tips on how to advertise black hat offers correctly on Google Ads and maintain high profitability.

Use Google Ads accounts from the same country
Please use advertising accounts from the same country as your target audience. Advertising accounts from the same country are often easier to manage and may be more suitable for running ads targeting a specific audience within that country. This can also help you avoid some legal issues and account suspensions related to using advertising accounts from different countries.
Write relevant ad headlines.
Make sure your ad headlines are related to the landing page and display images so that you do not violate Google’s policies while accurately describing your offer, even if it’s done in a simplified manner. You can search for and use synonymous keywords.
Keyword Research
Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-profit keywords.
For example, if the running keywords are “bananas,” “delicious bananas,” and “affordable bananas,” then within the same ad group, do not add unrelated keywords like “mobile phones” !!! Keywords within the ad group must be relevant. The same applies to ad headlines, ad descriptions, and the landing page.

Create Potential Customer Campaigns
Google maximizes your results by displaying your ads to people similar to those who clicked on your ads or searched for those ads.
Verify the Domain with White Pages
The White Pages you use to verify your domain must align with the content and purpose of your Google Ads. Google can identify all images on your landing page, so you must use images that are safe for white pages. Purchase a domain and upload a landing page, then hide the link to keep it hidden from Google bots. White pages are just as crucial as black pages because they help your ads function. Ensure that the information on the White Page complies with all Google Ads regulations and adheres to advertising and content rules. When using White Pages, limit the use of external links, especially those that are unrelated or unsafe.
Start with Safe Keywords
You should initiate your campaign with safe keywords and wait for approval. After two days, you can begin adding some black keywords. Initially, run the campaign with a low budget before incorporating black keywords. Starting with safe keywords ensures that your campaign complies with Google Ads rules and policies, helping you avoid getting your account suspended or penalized. Starting with a low budget and safe keywords allows you to assess the campaign’s performance before investing heavily in black keywords. You can evaluate conversion rates, cost per click, and overall performance before expanding the campaign.
Create a Privacy Policy for Your Website
Creating and attaching a privacy policy to your website is an essential step to earn Google’s trust and provide user security.
Research Competitor Advertising
Those who achieve the best results with Google Ads are those who extensively search on Google to view the landing pages of competitive competitors and what they write in their ads. Researching your competitors’ ads can provide you with insights on how to optimize your own ads. You can learn effective ad writing styles and apply them to your campaigns. However, remember to use this information as inspiration only. Create your campaigns and decide which keywords are appropriate, which target audience to focus on, and what headlines are suitable. Excellent results always come from fresh ideas. Avoid copying content from your competitors, as Google dislikes duplicated content.
Seek Expert Advice
Before starting to run ads for black hat products, advertisers should prepare ample resources. If you are a client using the services of Optimal Agency, we can provide comprehensive support for your account and campaign optimization. We can assist you with old accounts that have a history of high trust, ensuring a smoother ad campaign experience. We provide Virtual Private Servers (RDP) to help you manage your account effectively and securely. Our team can offer expert advice on creating content and targeting the right audience to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns. If needed, we can create custom campaigns tailored to your specific requirements and objectives.

At Optimal Agency, we are committed to helping you succeed with your black hat advertising campaigns, ensuring they are both efficient and compliant with the necessary guidelines.