How to change currency Facebook Ad Account 2024?

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Advertisers may need to change the currency on their Facebook ad account for various reasons. One common reason is that the current currency in the advertising account may not be suitable when a business decides to expand its advertising campaigns to international markets. In such cases, it is more practical and cost-effective to convert the ad account’s currency to align with the new market’s requirements.

In this article, we will guide you on how to change currency Facebook Ad Account.

Before you begin change currency Facebook Ad Account

  • To manage an ad account’s payment settings, you have to be an admin of the ad account.
  • The payment methods available to you depend on the currency you choose.
  • For some countries (such as Brazil, India and Poland), your ad account’s business country and currency must match.
  • If you select a country other than Brazil when you create your ad account, you won’t be able to change your country to Brazil later. In addition, if you select a currency other than BRL when you create your ad account, you won’t be able to change it to BRL later.

Change the currency that you use for Facebook ads

To change the currency that you use for Facebook ads:

  1. Go to your Payment settings in Ads Manager.
  2. Under Business info, click Edit.
  3. Select your new currency and time zone and then click Save.
Change currency Facebook Ads Account
Select the new currency

By choosing a new currency and time zone, you’ve created a new ad account.

Your old ad account is still visible in the account drop-down in the top left of your Ads Manager, but it’s closed and all ads created with your old account stop running. Any ads you had running on the old ad account are billed in the old currency.

Note: If you’re using monthly invoicing to pay for your ads, it’s not possible to change your currency once your ad account has been created.

In conclusion

Using the correct currency on your Facebook Advertising account ensures that you can accurately set and manage your ad budget. Different currencies have varying values, and using the wrong currency can lead to budget discrepancies, potentially overspending or underspending on your Facebook ads.

Remember that using the appropriate currency is essential for effective ad management and successful campaigns on Facebook. Choose wisely to make the most of your advertising efforts.

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