5 Facebook Messenger Ads Examples

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Advertising on Facebook Messenger is a powerful tool that helps businesses connect with their audience in a personalized and engaging way. In this article, we will analyze six compelling examples of Facebook Messenger ads to demonstrate the potential of this platform. We assure you that the insights below will not only inspire you but also provide valuable strategies for your business’s success in future projects. 🚀📈

Why you should start using Facebook Messenger Ads

Whether you choose Click-to-Message Ads or Sponsored Message Placement, they share the same benefits.

Facebook Messenger ads are conversational

Most ads drive their target audience to “shop now”. But what if prospects still have questions? With a Click-to-Message ad, you encourage users to learn more so it makes it more likely they will reach out.

With the Sponsored Message Placement ad, you already open a conversation in Messenger which invites users to respond to your message.

You instantly gather leads

Facebook profiles are really valuable. When a users response to your Messenger ad, you have insight into the following contact information:

  • First and last name
  • Country
  • Language
  • Timezone
  • Gender

Note: when users click on the CTA to go to Messenger, they first receive a notification that their public information will now be visible for the brand.

Your ads will definitely get noticed

It’s simple. In Facebook Messenger, users need to pay attention to your ad. Just like an email in your inbox, you need to see the message to at least clear the notification. And since Facebook feeds are getting more crowded with ads and updates every day, the advantage to stand out is worth taking.

5 Facebook Messenger Ads Examples

Advertising on Facebook Messenger is a type of ad format that allows businesses to directly reach users within the Messenger messaging app. According to statistics, there are currently 1.3 billion people using Messenger every month. If you want to leverage Messenger’s global reach, consider running ads within Messenger to engage with your target audience. These ads can appear in users’ inboxes as sponsored messages. When users click on the ad, they are taken to a detailed view with a call-to-action button that directs them to the destination you’ve chosen during the ad creation process.

Nestlé Middle East

Nestlé, as a global food and beverage conglomerate, has deeply penetrated the Middle East market for decades. During the holy month of Ramadan, a significant cultural and religious period in the Middle East, Nestlé strives to maintain relevance and capture consumers’ attention throughout this sacred month. Additionally, Nestlé aims to better understand the people it is reaching out to.

In the Middle East, Nestlé has implemented Click-to-Messenger Ads with visual content related to Ramadan themes and enticing CTAs such as “Get cooking inspiration” or “Ask us about Ramadan.” Clicking on these ads initiates a conversation with a specially designed chatbot within Messenger.

What makes this advertising campaign unique is its focus on specific user needs and preferences during Ramadan. Users can inquire about cooking recipes, traditions, and health tips. The chatbot also provides personalized suggestions for gift-giving during the month of Ramadan.

The result:

  • Users spend 2.9X more time on Nestlé’s website compared to traffic from other Facebook campaigns.
  • 30% of users who interacted with the chatbot subscribed for the recipe section.


Sephora is a global leader in prestige beauty retail. They want to encourage customers to visit their stores by offering them an easy way to book makeovers via Facebook Messenger ads.

Let’s talk about one of Sephora’s most successful campaigns. The goal was to have more customers book a makeover. They did this by running Click-to-Message ads including the CTA button “Book Now”. When customers started a chat, a chatbot guided them through the booking process.

The result:

  • 5 fewer steps required to book a makeover
  • An 11% higher booking rate in comparison to their other booking channels.

NAB Personal banking

National Australia Bank is one of Australia’s largest financial institutions. NAB partnered with Facebook to create a personal and convenient Messenger experience.

Before, NAB had run ads using a “Apply now’ CTA that linked to the bank’s website. To increase its lending goals, NAB started experimenting with Facebook Messenger. They created a Click-to-Message ad to direct users to a Messenger conversation. Once in Messenger, users connected in real-time to a NAB Business Expert who provided support and offered advice about available lending products.

The result:

  • NAB received 6x more leads from Messenger.
  • 85% of customers were “very satisfied” with their experience.

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, founded in 1919, is one of the oldest airlines in the world. They offer passenger and cargo transportation services to destinations worldwide, serving a large and diverse customer base.

With a global customer base and the need for readily available support, KLM saw Facebook Messenger’s potential to provide convenient support accessible through a widely used app. KLM primarily utilizes Click-to-Message ads by a chatbot in their Facebook campaigns.

The chatbot helped users with tasks like flight check-in, baggage tracking, and booking modifications. The chatbot provided support around the clock, regardless of time zones.

The result:

  • Reduced call center volume by 30%: Customers can find answers and resolve issues directly through Messenger, freeing up call center agents for more complex tasks.
  • Simplified booking and check-in: The chatbot assists users with tasks like booking modifications, baggage tracking, and check-in information, streamlining the travel process.
  • Offered 24/7 multilingual support: Regardless of location or time zone, customers can receive assistance in their preferred language.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Quick and personalized support through Messenger leads to better customer experiences and increased satisfaction.

Essential Tips for Crafting Winning Facebook Messenger Ads

Here are some actionable tips to optimize your own Facebook Messenger ad campaigns:

  1. Set Clear Objectives:
    • Before creating your ad, define your objectives clearly. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads? Having a specific goal will guide your ad creation process and help you measure campaign success.
  2. Choose the Right Ad Type:
    • Facebook Messenger offers various ad types:
      • Click-to-Messenger Ads: These include a call-to-action button that initiates a conversation between your brand and the user.
      • Sponsored Messages: Retarget existing customers and send promotions via Messenger.
      • Messenger Stories Ads: Appear within the Messenger app between organic stories.
      • Messenger Inbox Ads: Display in the chat tab within the Messenger app.
    • Select the type that aligns best with your campaign objectives.
  3. Craft Engaging Content:
    • Make your ad content relevant and captivating. Use compelling visuals and persuasive copy to grab attention and encourage interaction.
  4. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA):
    • Your CTA drives action. Ensure it’s clear, concise, and compelling. Tell your audience exactly what you want them to do next.
  5. Test and Optimize:
    • Once your ad is live, monitor its performance. Test different variations to identify what works best. Use insights to optimize future campaigns.
  6. Leverage Personalization:
    • Facebook Messenger allows high personalization levels. Create tailored experiences based on user interactions—personalized messages, offers, or recommendations.

Start running inspiring ads with Facebook Messenger

These examples are the living proof that —whatever business you have or goals you aspire to— running ads on Facebook Messenger are always a good idea. It gives you the opportunity to be creative, conversational and stand out from your competitors.



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